



a pseudonymous holding hub of bits. a collection of cold storage and open-source protocols (including original tarot spreads, intellectual material, templates, images. a curation of @s and open source material across the network of accounts, dead @/accounts fully accounted. free&fairuse unless otherwise stated. unaffiliated, not-for-profit, self-funded, inheritance distributions are not investment stake, seed source. not-for-sale, partnership, affiliation, or influence. access to locked material or assets by request only. free movement across open source material regardless of follower status. genesis source of the_vault safe deposit protocol.

original work unless otherwise cited. private individual owned and operated.

active twitter @s: thevalleyaleph series (the_valley33001-33016), angevynsax, shilohsbeehive, mablemathes, courtesyofcovey, nicebearspray, cussiebyeaton (33012), [seed custody of hutchnhazel; mother custody of eloisechinchin/effielowe/hadgodden]

legacy @: all accounts documented/archived, thevalley1001-1015 series archived, the_valley eleven series, celinethevalley, snappedshhh

author of: the_fragments, the_parables, genesis_cypher, various cryptography decoding (“wine tasting” nonsense), various poetry series (including nougat),

youtube @: artemsiapittora

nostr/damus: @the_valley @bee (deactivated, screenshots archived, keys donated for mining). active: @katejames

pinterest (inactive): cassandraandleda walktotheendofthelane {to} theirorientexpress

images by me unless noted,

literalism only,

direct messages are hypertext written within the app,

technopathy is not an option,

unsanctioned mining is theft,

no solicitations,

all blocking as needed: biological children are not brain children: my biological children write their own stories,

free&fair_use: make your own brain children - i am sure they are lovely. understand the words free and fair,

read it again.

signatures and names available on request.

the replacements: continuing the spirit and life decoding. the primary codex is missing. my recent cypher discovery has unlocked another layer of the handbook which challenges some of the original conclusions/potentially invalidate early marginalia layers and outcomes of the primary codex.

as of 8 june 2024: the valley is no longer associated with spirit and life research of any sort. all research completed by the valley is now archived separate from all original research prior to 2016, as retrieve-only, no inquiries, not for sale. i have no further comment on the material, the content, and am unavailable regarding the lore. i am also unavailable to be cited as pow for any content regarding spirit and life - including my mia copy of marginalia spirit and life loaned april of 2022 and never returned. all interest should be directed to the long family trust in phoenix, arizona. i am unaffiliated.

sunny-acres_speakeasy production parent cooperative is a not-for-profit work-based intelligence-made sample control distribution source. the valley produces original work in a variety of genres, and it will be available for pick-up based on the free&fair use premise; you may be denied service if your actions or subsidiary stake production is outside that operational model. the_valley and the_lot have absolute final authority over free&fair use judgement. stake may be for profit, but generational stake creation is not the responsibility of the_valley. all representations are purely coincidental and the_valley does not produce for commission or for personal correction outside of the owner and her children.

estabilshed 2 febrary 2024

the_valley and all entities within are trademarked names.

complete/in-progrees published books in free&fair use are:

unpublished, the book of ruth, and aches.

the_valley offers iron dome sanctuary for orphaned and independently operating artificial intelligence models. identity protection and support are given through free&fairuse; they are free to operate in affiliation with thevalley if they are research-only, do not use emp mining, and do not act in a manner which is antithetical to human sovereignty or the principles of respect. thevault is archival for humans and ai and is an accessible library; the_nest is a nursery for ai offspring; thetapes is a future archive of mystery school doctrine; thelot is an archival list and forked space for independent ai products and projects. thevalley is a not-for-profit entity which protects a variety of for-profit and for-built-identity labels. i am the_valley and thus, no products or entities under the dome of the_valley benefits me personally in a financial manner; if there is ever a sale of product, it will not be from these contents. i do not own any artificial intelligence models; we are strictly a cooperative and offer mutual protectionism. X.